Putting the Ops back into DevOps.

Ops should not be held up by complex development tools

ConfigHub will unify and centralize software infrastructure configuration in a way that existing tools do not.

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"AI completely upends how the entire world writes, makes, and operates software entirely, not just code writing. The next few years are much more than just vibing about small changes to greenfield code bases. Enterprises need mature solutions to hard problems. ConfigHub is a missing piece to allow this rewrite to take place safely."

Jason Warner
CEO & Co-Founder, Poolside

→ About ConfigHub

Our goal is to transform and simplify how 
we as an industry manage application operations in production.

Our product — ConfigHub — reimagines configuration management and how it interacts with the daily work that all application developers and operators do.

Click here to be contacted for our private beta.

We’re enabling faster recovery from incidents, better rollouts with fewer misconfiguration errors and delays, and above all happier, more productive software delivery teams.  Our ultimate destination is full operational automation - but with the transparency and compliance that come from building workflows on the right foundation.

Why does configuration matter to our customers?  Because every application needs the correct “config data” to deploy and run safely.  And there are many kinds of config: Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes configuration, application configuration, policies, certificates, API keys, …. Have you heard of “Config Hell”? It’s when your application is breaking and you stare at configuration templates until you figure it out.

ConfigHub will free you from this.  Whatever your starting point, we’ll help you to consolidate, understand and build on configuration to make application management easier, better and safer.  Make changes to what your customers see and get immediate results.  Fix your apps without filing tickets and having meetings about spreadsheets, pipelines and infrastructure as code.

Click here to explore insights from our CTO, Brian Grant

→ About the Founders

Our goal is to transform and simplify how 
we as an industry manage “live” application operations in production.

We are united by our amazement that Heroku is still the high water mark of user experience for cloud apps, and aspire to ConfigHub being equally usable and compelling.


Jesper Joergensen

Product lead for Heroku at Salesforce; and then GM for Twilio 
Voice and product platform.


Brian Grant

Original Kubernetes Lead Architect. Creator of declarative config models used in cloud native.


Alexis Richardson

Founder/CEO of Weaveworks, RabbitMQ; CNCF TOC first chair, founder of “GitOps”.